Each free drawing activity only takes 5 minutes or less.
Use a creative drawing prompt at the start of art class! Each is set up as a PDF that can be printed on 8.5x11” paper to hand out to your class or team. Hopefully these inspire creativity and inspire a new way of thinking about visual problem solving.
Drawing Prompt 1
Beautiful Monster
Group activity: Each person takes turns drawing part of a monster. Sketch and share you creations with a couple of friends.
Drawing Prompt 2
Fall in Line
Individual activity: Draw each prompt using only a single line. Don’t lift your pencil.
Drawing Prompt 4
Pretend I’m an Alien
Individual activity: Pretend I’m an alien and I have never seen an “apple” before, Take 5 minutes to draw an apple using the prompt in each box to help me understand.
Drawing Prompt 5
Squiggle Me This
Group activity: Complete the squiggles to form recognizable images or shapes. Once completed, flip over the paper, hand to a neighbor and have them draw a new squiggle for you to complete.
Drawing Prompt 7
Draw the Seasons
Individual activity: Quickly turn each circle an object to represent each season.
Drawing Prompt 8
Individual activity: First pick a theme like “space” or “the color blue.” Then draw something in the left column that matches the theme. Next draw the opposite in the right column.
Drawing Prompt 10
Fill in the Blanks
Group activity: Each box has beginning of a word. Fill in the rest of the word. Example: STO + waway = Stowaway. Once you fill out all the boxes with completed words, swap with a neighbor and they will need to draw your new prompts.
Drawing Prompt 11
Individual activity: Quick draw! Draw the idea described in each box using a simple icon style.
Drawing Prompt 13
Animal Mash-up
Group activity: Fill out the blanks in section A. Pick two animals to mash-up, then pass the paper to your neighbor to draw your animal mash-up. Have them fill out the blanks in section B, then repeat the drawing and again for section C, continuing to pass to a new person.
Drawing Prompt 14
Easy as 1-2-3-4
Individual activity: Think up a process that can be explained in 4 steps (E.g. making coffee, planting a ower, cooking pasta). Draw each step without using words.
Drawing Prompt 16
Telephone Game
Group activity: Start by handing a stapled packet of papers to each person. Give each person a different secret drawing prompt. Draw that prompt onto page 1. Then pass it to someone else. They will guess your drawing from page 2, then hand it to a new person to draw that guess onto page 3. Draw and repeat. Give the packet back at the end. (Allow 10-15 minutes)
Drawing Prompt 17
Come Full Cirlce
Individual activity: Start with empty circles. Turn each circle into something recognizable following each category prompt.
Drawing Prompt 19
Draw Many, Fast!
Individual activity: Draw each prompt quickly. Try to convey each concept simply in 30 seconds or less.
Drawing Prompt 20
Customize A Beverage
Individual activity: Pick random 2 items from the left columns and then 1 from the right. Next, draw the label for the crazy new drink below.